No Cure No Pay incasso allows a client to pay a fixed amount on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis without the need for manual payments each time. Payments are automatically deducted from your bank account on the due dates.
Tensions between the pharmaceutical industry and authorities over drug marketing have increased in recent decades. The authorities want the best value for money and the drug industry wants to make as much profit as possible. This situation cannot continue for the authorities, the drug industry and, ultimately, patients.
No Cure, No Pay Direct Debit: The Risk-Free Way to Collect Debts Efficiently”
A no cure no pay strategy could help resolve these tensions. It is based on the universally accepted term from the maritime world of salvage contracts, which stipulates that only successfully saved cargo will be paid for. Combined with other factors, such as ensuring that it is not used as cheap marketing, this strategy will increase the rational pharmacotherapeutic value of a product and therefore make it more attractive to the buying authority than analogue products. In addition, it will promote the concept of the right pill in the right mouth by encouraging therapeutic evaluation and change of ineffective drugs.